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 Summer walk beside the HogsmillAtelier Ouvert 2015Red Tree 

Click 'HERE' to see my most recent paintings


October 11, 12 and 13 Festilitt, Parisot, France

Sept. 22 - Oct.10 Postcard Art Exhibition 2024 (formerly Twitter Art Exhibit) McKinney, Texas, USA


August 1 - 21 Summer Exhibition 'State of Mind', The Horton Arts Centre, Epsom, UK


October - 13, 14 and 15 Festilitt, Parisot, France 


August -  3 - 16, Fountain Gallery, Hampton Court, UK - with Vivien Phelan and Nicolette Carter

April - 4 - 19, AppArt Easter Art Exhbition and Sculpture Trail 2020, Prior's Fiel School, Priorsfield Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2RH  CANCELLED due to Covid19



October - 18,19 and 20 Festilitt, Parisot, France

May - Deux Artistes des Pays Bas, Ancienne Mairie, Varen, France

May - Twitterartexhibit, Edinburgh, Scotland


© Elly Wright / All rights reserved